


ADD:Hainan City, Haikou Province, China City, coconut Sea Road No.8
Producton line of ca

Producton line of can making

Automatic empty can palletizer
Automatic empty can palletizer
Automatic empty can palletizer


This machine is mainly applied in the Guangdong industry, for tinplate cans, aluminum cans and glass bottles of empty cans palletizing. First of all, in conjunction with the open machine will stack good pallet hived off into the host. The stacker crane closed automatically by the network chain conveyor can of arrangement, utilization of tank unit the empty cans for the finished empty cans in the crib body size of the whole column, again by holding tank device the cans to the palletizing machine hall, the last are done by host room of lifting mechanism of layered code can of action. After the crib body arranged by chain break the empty cans crib body, to the automatic winding film machine for film winding easy storage and shipping. Automatic plate, the plate in the whole process, improve, automatic cans, cans, code automatic fall, out of the crib, automatic winding film, etc., to replace the artificial yards cans, save manpower, greatly improve production efficiency.


The outstanding performance:

1. Instead of traditional artificial yards tank and tank machine, semi-automatic empty cans code can save a lot of artificial, improve production capacity;

2. PLC control system, improve the accuracy of the mechanical action, and easy to operate;

3. The high degree of automation, can achieve "control system";

4. Has a wide applicability, can use such as pallet many cans.


Device configuration:

1. Automatic patch institutions;

2. The tank crib automatic hoisting mechanism;

3. Automatic points tank device;              
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ADD:Hainan City, Haikou Province, China City, coconut Sea Road No.8    Mobile:+86-13876329811    TEL:+86-898-66860031     FAX:+86-898-66860082
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